Marshalls Park Academy
Demolition of single storey former youth centre block and erection of part single storey and part two storey teaching block with associated external works and car parking adaptations to allow 2FE expansion to existing school.
The proposed building is mainly a two storey construction to match in with the existing building. The activity studio is a 1 1/2 storey space that is positioned in a similar location to the former youth centre block to avoid over shading of the existing first floor science labs. Classrooms are arranged either side of a central corridor with stairs at each end and toilets provided on both levels. The orientation of the block matches the north and south wings of the original courtyard block.
The proposed building is predominately facing brickwork with some detailing references taken from the original building. A single colour brick to match the existing is used throughout however sections below windows are slightly recessed to create double height panels with piers between. In addition detail panels to the side of windows have areas of protruding end on bricks in Flemish bond to provide further visual interest. The activity studio and main building entrance are finished in a contrasting grey render to help identify them from the general teaching spaces and assist wayfinding to those less familiar with the school. External windows and doors are to be grey powder coated aluminium with rain water goods in matching grey. The flat roof finish will be a single ply membrane with an area of photovoltaics provided in compliance to the London Plan.